Information about using OE with Windows 10 or updating to Windows 10Windows 10 users must know that automatic updates on Windows 10 removes Outlook Express.
Every time a Windows 10 pc performs Automatic Updates, Outlook Express will be removed and need to be re-installed.
More info about software being removed on Win 10 updates: order to prevent this happen, Automatic updates must be turned off on Windows 10.
There is a free tool below that turns off Automatic Updates on Windows 10.
Download Update Disabler---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Upgrading from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10:If you are in previous versions of Windows like Seven, 8 and 8.1 and you will update your PC to Windows 10
you have to reinstall Outlook Express after upgrade.
Before you do the update to Windows 10 it is strongly suggested to make a backup to your
OE Folders and
OE Address book.
How to back up Outlook Express items:Locate and backup the Store folder and Address book1. Start Outlook Express.
Open tray icon "Settings" menu3. On Tray icon settings click "Browse Mail folder" Close Outlook express and copy that folder to a USB drive (Backup)
4. On Tray icon settings click "Browse Address Book" Close Outlook express and copy the Address book (Wab) file(s) also (Backup)
5. Open Outlook Express and go to "Tools>Accounts" and click on "Mail" Tab. Select your mail account and click "Export" Button to save account ".iaf" file.
When Windows 10 upgrade finished, reinstall Outlook Express and replace the files from backup to same locations. Also you can import previously exported ".iaf" account settings file.
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