I. Each ofthe statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the onethat best completes the statement.
1. Which ofthe following is NOT true about the definition of a word?
A. A word is a sound unity.
B. A word is a unit of meaning.
C. A word is the smallest form of alanguage.
D. A word is a form that can function alonein a sentence.
2.Vocabulary can refer to the total number of the words in a language, and it canstand for all the words used ,e.g. Old English vocabulary, Middle English vocabulary and Modern Englishvocabulary.
A. in a given book B. in a given dialect
C. by an individual person D. in a particularhistorical period
3. Wordslike man, fire, sun have been in use for centuries. This shows the basic wordstock has the characteristics of
A. productivity B. polysemy C. collocability D. stability
4. The Indo-European language is made up of mostof the languages of Europe, the Near East, and
A. Asia B. Africa C. India D. the Far East
5. In OldEnglish period, the introduction of Christianity had a great impact on theEnglish vocabulary. It brought many terms such as altar, amen and candle.
A. scientific B. religious C. educational D. aesthetic
6. Martialarts from the Far East find their way into English vocabulary such as aikido,kungfu and black belt. These are just a few new words, but they will suffice toshow
A. the invasion of foreign countries
B. social, economic and political changes
C. the influence of other cultures andlanguages
D. the, rapid development of modernscience and technology
7.Monomorphemic words are realized by single morphs such as
A. boss B. cats C. feet D. trying
8. The formsthat are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function are
A. allomorphs B. affixes C. roots D. stems
9. Which ofthe following words is NOT a stem?
A. international B. nation C. national D. internationalists
10. Which ofthe following words has a negative prefix?
A. amoral B. devalue C. misconduct D. antiwar
11. Theformation of new words by joining two or more stems is called
A. compounding B. prefixation C. conversion D. blending
12. Which ofthe following words is the result from blending?
A. smog B. dorm C. quake D. crybaby
13. accounts for the connection between thelinguistic symbol and its meaning.
A. Reference B. Motivation C. Sense D. Concept
14. Suchsynonymous pairs as die pass away, quarrel--argue are examples to show that
A. one can talk of the same concept indifferent languages
B. each pair has the same concept butcollocates with different words
C. every word that has meaning has sense,but not every word has reference
D. each pair has the same concept butdifferent socio-cultural and stylistic values
15. Which ofthe following words is NOT morphologically motivated?
A. airmail B. hopeless C. reading-lamp D. greenhorn
16. Wordsare arbitrary symbols and independent identities so far as their are concerned.
A. spelling and meaning B. pronunciation and use
C. spelling and pronunciation D. meaning and collocation
17. Which ofthe following is the primary meaning of the word face?
A. A surface of a thing. B. The front of the head.
C. The appearance. D. The topography.
18. Which ofthe following deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion?
A. Synonymy. B. Antonymy. C. Polysemy. D. Hyponymy.
19.Word-meaning changes by modes of the following EXCEPT
A. extension B. expansion C. degradation D. elevation
20. Which ofthe following is NOT the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes inmeaning?
A. Class reason. B. Historical reason.
C. Political reason. D. Psychological reason.
21.Fortuitous formerly denoted "happening by chance" and later on tookon the meaning
"fortunate". Such change ofword-meaning is caused by
A. the influx of borrowings B. psychological factors
C. historical reason D. analogy
22. Without , there is no way to determine thevery sense of a word that the speaker intended to convey.
A. meaning B. context C. clues D. culture
23. That theword paper means differently in "a sheet of paper", "a whitepaper" and "a term paper" shows that context affects the meaning ofwords.
A. extra-linguistic B. grammatical C. semantic D. lexical
24. Contextmay prove extremely valuable in guessing the of a new word.
A.meaning B. usage C. part of speech D. implication
25. Which ofthe following is NOT one of the characteristics of idioms?
A. The constituents of idioms can bereplaced.
B. The word order cannot be inverted orchanged.
C.Many idioms are grammatically unanalysable.
D. The constituents of an idiom cannot bedeleted or added to.
26. Which of thefollowing is an idiom verbalin nature?
A. cut and dried B. fly in the ointment
C. call it a day D. in clover
27. The figure of speech used in the idiom adark horse is
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. synecdoche
28. The dictionary where the headword orentries are defined and illustrated in the same language is
A. monolingual dictionaries B. bilingual dictionaries
C. linguistic dictionaries D. encyclopedic dictionaries
29. The main body of a dictionary is its of words.
A. spelling B. pronunciation C. definition D. grammar
30. The following are the features of LongmanDictionary of Contemporary English New Edition (1987) EXCEPT
A. usage notes B. language notes C. extra column D. clear grammar codes
II. Completethe following statements with proper words or expressions according to thecourse book
31. Bynotion, words can be grouped into content words and words.
32. MiddleEnglish retained much fewer inflections. If we say that Old English was alanguage of full endings, Middle English was one of endings.
33. Themorphemes which are realized by more than one morph according to their positionin a word are known as
34.According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls intotwo ubclasses:
and suffixation.
35. In wordmeaning, the relationship between language and the word is , by means of which, a speakerindicates which things in the world are being talked about.
36. Wordslike bank meaning both the edge of the river and an establishment for moneybusiness are called
37.Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoingconstant changes both in form and
38.Linguistic context include context,where the meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouringwords.
39. Thesemantic of idioms isreflected in the illogical relationship between the literal meaning of eachword and the meaning of the idiom, as is shown in rain cats and dogs, whichmeans "rain heavily".
40. If onewants to know whether a pair or mathematics takes a singular or plural verb, a dictionary is likely to supply thebest answer.
III.Define the following terms.
41. terminology
42. morpheme
43.conceptual meaning
45. trueidioms
IV.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.
46. Throughwhich three channels does modem English vocabulary develop?
47. Turn thephrasal verbs below into noun compounds:
1) fall down
2) sit in
3) cry out
4) hang over
5) bring up
48. Tell thedifference between superordiates and subordinates, with the examplewordsfiower, lion, hammer, tool, animal and rose.
49. Explainhow context clues are used in the sentence "In spite of the fact that thefishermen were wearing sou 'westers, the storm was so heavy that they were wetthrough."
V.Analyze and comment on the following.
50. Explainthe difference between full conversion and partial conversion by taking"valuables" and "the young" as examples.
51.Illustrate the differences between synonyms by analyzing the following groupsof synonyms.
(a) understand and comprehend
(b) answer and respond
(c) allow and let
I. Each of the statements below is followed by fouralternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement andblacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. One point isgiven to each correct choice. (1% X 30 = 30% )
1. Which of the following can NOT be defined as a word?
A. man B. for C. ment D. blackmail
2. The differences between sound and form are NOT due to
A. innovationsmade by linguists
B.stabilization of spelling by printing
C. influence ofthe work of scribes
D. the fact ofmore phonemes than letters in English
3. Words may fall into native words and borrowed words by
A. notion B. origin C. function D. use frequency
4. means an old form which takes on a new meaningto meet the new need.
A.Borrowing B. Creation C. Semantic change D. Loaning
5. The language used between 1150 and 1500 is called English.
A. Old B. Middle C. Contemporary D. Modern
6. In Middle English vocabulary, we can find wordsrelating to every aspect of human society, e. g. government, law, food, fashionand so on. Which of the following words does NOT belong to them?
A. wechat B. bacon C. judge D. power
7. Structurally,many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. For example, denaturalizationcan be broken down into
A. de-,natura-, lize-, ation
B. dena-, ture,al-, lize, ation
C. de-, nature,al, ize, ation
D. de-, natu,real, ize, ation
8. The morpheme ofplurality/-s/is pronounced as/s/in cats,/z/in bags, and/iz/in matches. This exampleshows
A. morphemesare abstract units
B. allomorphsare phonetically conditioned and thus predictable
C. morphs areactual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning
D.monomorphemic words coincide with words and function freely in a sentence
9. Which of thefollowing words is the example of free morphemes?
A. men B. teeth C. worker D. anger
10. The following words have prefixes of time or orderEXCEPT
A.bilingual B. ex-student C. foretell D. post-election
11..4 green hand is an "inexperienced person",not a hand that is green in color. This example
shows thatcompounds are different from free phrases in feature.
A.phonetic B. semantic C. grammatical D. lexical
12. Omnibus has given way to its shortened form bus. Thisis the example of in word formation.
A.acronymy B. clipping C. compounding D. conversion
13. ,which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting theobjective world in the human mind.
A.Reference B. Motivation C. Sense D. Concept
14. The following words are onomatopoetically motivatedEXCEPT
A. blow B. quack C. miaow D. hiss
15. The meanings of many words often relate directly totheir origins. In this sense, words have
A.onomatopoeic B. morphological C. semantic D. etymological
16. From a synchronic point of view, the basic meaning ofa word is the
A. primarymeaning B. derivedmeaning
C. centralmeaning D.secondary meaning
17. Which of the following is NOT the derived meaning ofthe word face?
A. The frontof the head. B. Outward aspect.
C. A surfaceof a thing. D. Theexpression of the countenance.
18. Which of the following pairs are absolute synonyms?
A.large/tremendous B.stagger/reel
C.alter/vary D.scarlet-fever/scarlatina
19. The process by which a word which originally had aspecialized meaning has now become generalized is of word-meaning.
A.transfer B. elevation C. narrowing D. extension
20. reasonis reflected in the meaning change of the word computer, from "a personwho computes" to "electronic machine".
A. Class B. Historical C. Scientific D. Psychological
21. Which of the following is the internal factor withinthe language system that causes changes in word-meaning?
A.Analogy B. Contrast C. Historical reason D. Psychological need
22. As most words have more than one meaning, it is oftenimpossible to tell the meaning of a word before it is used in
A.context B. texts C. conversation D. writing
23. That the word do means differently in "do acity", "do a sum" and "do the flowers" shows that context affects the meaning ofwords.
A. extra-linguistic B. grammatical C. lexical D. semantic
24. Which of the following is NOT the role of context?
A. Eliminationof ambiguity.
B. Indicationof referents.
C. Provisionof clues for inferring word-meaning.
D. Simplificationof meaning.
25. Which of the following is a true idiom?
A. makefriends with B. breaksilence
C. in theraw D. turn overa new leaf
26. Among the following idioms," "is an idiom adverbial in nature.
A. flesh andblood B. up in theair
C. as poor asa church mouse D. tooth andnail
27. All of the following are stylistic features EXCEPT
A.colloquialisms B. slang C. literary expressions D. rhymes
28. In theheadword or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language.
A.monolingual dictionaries B.bilingual dictionaries
C.linguistic dictionaries D.encyclopedia dictionaries
29. Usage notes and language notes in a dictionaryexplain the following EXCEPT
A. importantBritish and American differences
B. difficultpoints of grammar and style
C. informationconcerning the origins of words
D. the slightdifferences between words of similar meanings
30. The following are some unique features of CollinsCOBUILD English Language Dictionary EXCEPT
A. definition B. extra column C. usage examples D. clear grammar
II. Complete the following statementswith proper words or expressions according to the course book. (1.5% × 10 = 15%)
31. It is generally agreed that the written form of anatural language is the written record of the
32. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes called Angles,Saxons, and Jutes came and dominated the British Isles. Now people generallyrefer to Anglo-Saxon as English.
33. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemesare morphemes.
34. Comic means "of comedy", while comicalmeans "funny". This example shows that both-ic and -ical can beaffixed to the same stem, but differ in
35. The sense of an expression is its place in a systemof relationship with other expressionsin the language.
36. Words like bear which means both "a large heavyanimal" and "to put up with" are called
37. The process by which the word wife used to mean"woman" but now means "a married woman" is ofword-meaning.
38. Linguistic context includes context, where the meanings of aword may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs.
39. Unlike free phrases, the structure of an idiom is toa large extent , as is shownin the idiom "in a brown study", which cannot be changed into"in a brown hall".
40. For beginners, and elementary and lower-intermediatelearners, a dictionary is essentialas they do not know enough of the target language to understand fully amonolingual dictionary.
III. Define the following terms withone or two sentences. (3% × 5 = 15%)
41. borrowed words
42. stem
43. associative meaning
44. degradation
45. dismembering (of idioms)
IV. Answer the following questions.Your answers should be clear and short. (5% × 4 = 20%)
46. What are the three main sources of new words inPresent-day English?
47. In what way are the underlined words formed in thefollowing sentences?
1) He wolfeddown his lunch.
2) There is nomilk in the fridge.
3) The headmasteris an easy-going man.
4) You have toshow your ID before checking in the hotel.
5) I promisedto babysit for my neighbor this weekend.
48. What are the types of antonyms? Explain the types ofantonyms with the following example words: sell/buy, same/different, old/young.
49. How are context clues used in the sentence "Thevillage had most of the usual amenities: a pub, a library, a post office, avillage hall, a medical centre, and a school."?
V. Analyze and comment on thefollowing. (10% × 2 = 20%)
50. 1) nickname n.→ to nickname
2)bottle-feeding n.→ to bottle-feed
Use the above examples to discuss in what way compoundverbs are generally formed?
51. Illustrate the differences between synonyms byanalyzing the following groups of synonyms.
1) rich andwealthy
2) ask, begand request
3) allow andlet
I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. You areto make the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D onthe ANSWER SHEET. ( 1%×30=30% )
1. Which ofthe following CANNOT be defined as a word?
A. for B. fortune C. mis D. misfortune
2. Words orforms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specializedor limited use are
A. slang B. argot C. neologisms D. archaisms
3. Wordslike foot or dog can each be used alone, and at the same time can form newwords with other roots and affixes, e.g. footage and dogfight. This shows thatthe basic word stock has the characteristics of
A.productivity B. polysemy C. collocability D. stability
4. After theRomans, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came and dominatedthe British Isles. Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as English.
A. Old B. New C. Middle D. Modem
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. English is more closely related toGerman than French.
B. Old English was a highly inflectedlanguage.
C. Modem English is considered to be ananalytic language.
D. In early Middle English period,English, Latin, and Celtic existed side by side.
6. In theearly Modem English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek andRoman classics. This is known in history as
A. Industrialization B. Elizabethan Age
C. Renaissance D. Victorian Age
7. Somemorphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in aword. Such alternative morphs are known as
A. stems B. allomorphs C. free morphemes D. bound morphemes
8. Among thefollowing words, does NOThave inflectional affixes.
A. liked B. children's C. happier D. it's
9. The basicform of a word which can't be further analyzed without total loss of identityis a
A. morph B. allomorph C. root D. stem
10. Thefollowing words have number prefixes EXCEPT
A. bilingual B. multi-purpose C. tricycle D. post-election
11. Thefollowing words are the results from blending EXCEPT
A. bicycle B. motel C. smog D. hamburger
12. Theprocess of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of socialand political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms iscalled
A. prefixation B. acronymy C. blending D. conversion
13. The of an expression is its place in asystem of semantic relationship with other expressions in the language.
A. reference B. concept C. sense D. motivation
14. Which ofthe following statements is NOT true?
A. Collocation can affect the meaning ofwords.
B. Motivation explains why a particularform has a particular meaning.
C. By etymological motivation, we meanthat the meaning of a particular word is elated
toits origin.
D. The connotative meaning is also knownas connotations, which are generally found
inthe dictionary.
15. In thephrase "the tongues offire", the word tongues is ~ motivated.
A. onomatopoeically B. morphologically
C. semantically D. etymologically
16. Words like dear that means a loved personand deer that means a kind of animal are called
A. synonyms B. homographs
C. homophones D. antonyms
17. Which ofthe following deals with the relationship of semantic opposition?
A. Synonymy B. Antonymy C. Polysemy D. Hyponymy
18. Which ofthe following groups of words shows difference of synonyms in connotation?
A. increase-expand B. unlike-dissimilar C. work-toil D. empty-vacant
19. The worddisease once meant discomfort, but now means illness. This is an example of
A. generalization B. degradation C. elevation D. specialization
20. The wordsilly used to mean happy, but now means foolish. This serves as an example of
A. extension B. narrowing C. elevation D. degradation
21. Theassociated transfer of meaning is often due to factors, as is shown in such words asangel, martyr and paradise, whose meanings are elevated because of theinfluence of Christianity.
A. class B. scientific C. historical D. psychological
22.Grammatical context refers to the context where the meanings of a word may benfluenced by the in which itoccurs.
A. meaning group B. structure C. conversation D. culture
23. Thattrade union means differently in western countries and in China shows that context has some effect on themeaning of words.
A. grammatical B. lexical C. linguistic D. extra-linguistic
24.Ambiguity often arises due to ,as is shown in the sentence "He is a hard business."
A. polysemy B. synonymy C. antonymy D. homonomy
25. Theidiom Jack of all trades means the same as Jack of all trades and master ofnone. This example shows idioms may vary by means of
A. shortening B. addition C. replacement D. position-shifting
26. The nounphrase pepper and salt in "His hair is pepper and salt" functions asan idiom
in nature.
A. nominal B. verbal C. adverbial D. adjectival
27. Therhetorical feature of idioms, ,is used in such idioms as "chop and change", "bag andbaggage".
A. rhyme B. alliteration C. reiteration D. juxtaposition
28.Dictionaries that are medium-sized ones containing words ranging from 50,000 to150,000 are
A. unabridged dictionaries B. desk dictionaries
C. pocket dictionaries D. specializeddictionaries
29. Thedefinitions in are all infull sentences and the definition itself throws light on the grammatical use ofthe word in question.
A. Collins COBUILD English LanguageDictionary (1987)
B.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, New Edition (1987)
C. Oxford Advanced Learner ~ Dictionary,3rd Edition (1980)
D. Webster’s New Worm Dictionary, 2ndCollege Edition (1980)
30. One canonly find the English equivalents for its Chinese items such as黃粱美夢(mèng),吃軟不吃硬in
II.Complete the following statements with proper words according to the coursebook You are to flu each blank with ONE appropriate word on the ANSWER SHEET. (1.5%x10=15% )
31. A wordis a that stands forsomething else in the world, and there is no logical relationship between thesound and the meaning.
32. Theintroduction of into Englandmarked the beginning of Modern English period.
33. Themorpheme is the functioningunit in the composition of words.
34. Toshorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remainsinstead is called
35. , which is beyond language, is theresult of human cognition, reflecting the bjective world in the human mind.
36. A field is a meaning area where wordsshare the same concept.
37.Extension of meaning is found in many terms, as is shown in the word feedback, which originally is a termin computer science, but now is generalized to mean "response".
38. The wordpaper has a number of meanings in the dictionary, but it means differently in"a white paper" and "today's paper". This example showsthat context affects the meaningof word.
39. Manyidioms are grammatically , asis shown in the idiom "diamond cut diamond", which is grammaticallyincorrect.
40. The mainbody of a dictionary is its ofwords.
III.Define the following terms on the ANSWER SHEET. (3%x5=15%)
41. semanticchange
42. affixation
44. context(in a broad sense)
45. sentenceidioms
IV.Answer the following questions on the ANSWER SHEET. Your answers should beclear and short. (5%×4=20%)
46. What isthe difference between a free root and a bound root?
47. Give theacronyms of the following phrases:
1) Voice of America
2) unidentified fiying object
3) teaching English as a foreign language
4) Victory Day
5) tuberculosis
48. How doyou understand the statement "true s3~nonymy is non-existent"?
49. Explainhow context clues are used in the sentence "Perhaps the most startlingtheory to come out of kinestics, the study of body movement, was suggested byProfessor Bird Whistell".
V.Analyze and comment on the following on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%×2=20%)
50. Use thefollowing groups of phrases to illustrate the definition and the overlappingfeature of collocative meaning.
a) prettygirl, pretty fiower, handsome boy, handsome car
b) prettywoman, handsome woman
51. Commenton the following two groups to illustrate the use of antonyms.
(a) give andtake, high and low
(b) Morehaste, less speed./Easy come, easy go.
I.Each of the Statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choosethe one that
best completes the statement andblacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the
1. Which ofthe following is true about sound and meaning?
A.The relationship between sound and meaning is not conventional.
B.The symbolic connection between sound and meaning is never arbitrary.
C.In different languages the same concept can be represented by the same sound.
D.There is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing oran idea
andthe actual thing and idea itself.
2. TheEnglish vocabulary can be classified by different criteria and for differentpurposes. Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by
A.origin B.notion
C.use frequency D.symbolic meaning
3. Wordsborrowed early in the past and now well assimilated into the English languageare called
A.denizens B.aliens
C.translation-loans D.semantic-loans
4. The Indo.European language is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East,and
A.Asia B. Africa C. India D. the Far East
5. The formation of new words by using theexisting materials, namely roots, affixes and other elements is called in modem English vocabularydevelopment.
A. borrowing B. creation C.semantic change D. loaning
6. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. English is more closely related toGerman than French.
B. Old English was a highly inflectedlanguage.
C. Modem English is considered to be ananalytic language.
D. Middle English absorbed a tremendousnumber of foreign words but with little change
inword endings.
7. Monomorphemic words are realized by singlemorphs such as
A. green B. whiten C. hated D. trying
8. The morphemes which are realized by more thanone morph according to their position in a word are known as
A. monomorphes B. allomorphs C. roots D. stems
9. How many morphemes are there in the worddenaturalization?
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
10. Amongthe following words, has anegative prefix.
A. mistrust B. devalue C. immature D. antiwar
11. Toshorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remainsinstead is called
A. compounding B. prefixation C. conversion D. clipping
12. Economicmeans "in the economy" while economical means"money-saving". This example shows that both -ic and -ical can beaffixed to the same stem, but differ in
A. meaning B. grammar C. stress D. symbol
13.Associative meaning is the meaningsupplemented to the conceptual meaning.
A. first B. secondary C. third D. final
14. Amongthe following," "is NOT morphologically motivated.
A. air mail B. black market C. writing-desk D. miniskirt
15. Which ofthe following examples shows that every word that has meaning has sense, butnot every word has reference?
A. flat, apartment B. ping-pong, hiss
C. pavement, sidewalk D. nearly, yes
16. Wordsthat are identical both in sound and spelling but different in meaning are
A. homographs B. homophones
C. perfect homonyms D. perfect synonyms
17. Which ofthe following pairs of synonyms comes from the source of borrowing?
A. finish--get through B. drunk---elevated
C. railway--railroad D. buy--purchase
18. Which ofthe following words is contradictory antonyms?
A. present/absent B. rich/poor C. give/receive D. husband/wife
19. Theprocess by which words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affectivewords come to be used in derogatory sense is of word meaning.
A. generalization B. narrowing
C. elevation D. degradation
20. Poisononce meant simply "drink", but now means "poisonous drink".This is an example of ofmeaning.
A. extension B. narrowing C. pejoration D. amelioration
21. Which ofthe following is NOT the extra-linguistic factor that causes changes inmeaning?
A. Historical reason. B. Class reason.
C. Political reason. D. Psychologicalreason.
22.Grammatical context refers to the cases where the meanings of a word may be influencedby the in which it occurs.
A. structure B. phrase C. clause D. culture
23. The wordpaper means "government document" in
A. a sheet of paper B. a white paper
C. a term paper D. examination paper
24. In whichof the following sentences, the word become means "happen to, often in abad way"?
A. I don't know what will become of us if thecompany goes bankrupt.
B. She became increasingly anxious abouther son's strange behavior.
C. This sort of behavior hardly becomes aperson in your position.
D. Daydreams have become realities.
25. Thestructural stability of idioms is reflected in the following aspects EXCEPT
A. the constituents of idioms cannot bereplaced
B. the word order cannot be inverted orchanged
C. the various words that make up theidioms have lost their individual identity
D. the constituents of an idiom cannot bedeleted or added to, not even an article
26. Which ofthe following idioms reflects that many idioms are grammatically unanalysable?
A. In a brown study. B. Tit for tat.
C. Out of the question. D. Diamond cut diamond.
27. Which figureof speech is used in the idiom as dead, as a doornail?
A. Personification. B. Metaphor. C. Simile. D. Synecdoche.
28. Thetarget population of dictionariesare general native speakers or second language and foreign learners who havereached the intermediate and advanced stages.
A. bilingual B. monolingual C. encyclopedic D. unabridged
29. Which ofthe following is a specialized dictionary?
A. LongmanDictionary of Phrasal Verbs (1983)
B. LongmanDictionary of Contemporary English (1987)
C. CollinsCOBUILD English Language Dictionary (1987)
D. Webster'sNinth New Collegiate Dictionary (1983)
30. Thedictionary like Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, which is large inscope and size, containing at least 200,000 headwords, is dictionaries.
A. unabridged B. desk C. pocket D. encyclopedic
II. Complete the following statements with properwords or expressions according to the
course book. Write your answers on theANSWER SHEET.
31. As thechief function of functional words is to express the relation between notions,the relation between words as well as sentences, they are known as words.
32. MiddleEnglish retained much fewer inflections. If we say that Old English was alanguage of full endings, Middle English was one of endings.
33.Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are morphemes.
34. Theformation of new words by joining two or more stems is called
35. Conceptualmeaning, also known as meaning,is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.
36. From thediachronic point of view, when a word was created, it was endowed with only onemeaning, which is called the meaning.
37. The wordgovernor once meant "pilot" but now means "head of astate", which is an example of of meaning.
38. As mostwords have more than one meaning, it is often impossible to tell the meaning ofaword before it is used in .
39. Strictlyspeaking, idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their meanings of individual element, forexample, put up with meaning "tolerate".
40. Americandictionaries contain more informationin the main body than the British, for example, names of famous people, places of historical interest and the like.
III.Define the following terms. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
41. word
42. root
43. semanticmotivation
44.extension (of meaning)
45. trueidiom
IV.Answer the following questions on the ANSWER SHEET. Your answers should beclear
and short.
46. What arethe characteristics of the basic word stock?
47. Formblends by combining parts of two words in each of the following groups.
1) motor +hotel
2) smoke +fog
3) situation+ comedy
4) medical +care
5) work +welfare
48. Explainhow antonyms are used and match with the example expressions: thick and thin;More haste, less speed
49. Explainwhat causes ambiguity in the sentence The fish is ready to eat.
V.Analyze and comment on the following on the ANSWER SHEET.
50. Explainhow compounds differ from free phrases by using silkworm, a green hand, and bad-mouthas examples.
51. Commenton the rhetoric features of homonyms with the following example of aconversation.
"You'renot eating your fish, " the waitress said to him. "Anything wrongwith it?"
"Longtime no sea, "the man replied