It used to be the case that you got a whole hour for lunch. ButBritons are now under so much pressure at home and at work that theyspend just 39 minutes a day eating, a study has found. For many, thelunch hour has given way to a quick sandwich at the desk - which isforced down in an average of just 12 minutes and 49 seconds。
Breakfast is an even quicker affair, lasting only seven minutes and20 seconds. Often, it's just a slice of toast as we dash out of thedoor. And dinner takes just 19 minutes - making a total of 39 minutesand nine seconds a day for meals. Half of us are so busy that wesometimes skip lunch altogether, with women more likely to do so thanmen.Eating has become a purely functional routine for three-quarters ofadults, who scoff food so quickly they cannot enjoy it or appreciate thetaste。
And almost half, 45 per cent, are so distracted by other taskswhile eating that they do not notice if they are full, merely eatinguntil they are finished. But it seems the quick meals are forced on usby circumstances rather than choice, the study by President cheesefound. Seventy-eight per cent said they wished they had more time to sitdown and savour their meals。
And nine in ten said that on the rare occasions they did get totake their time over a family meal, they enjoyed it and felt better as aresult. The television was also found to feature heavily in meal times,with 31 per cent admitting to watching it over breakfast and 53 percent at dinner. Psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson, from President, said:‘We now live in a very food-orientated society, where fooddocumentaries, celebrity chefs and cook books have never been moreprolific。
‘However, our study shows Britons are not taking the time toproperly enjoy their meals.‘It is so important to take the time to tasteand appreciate food, as this has an effect on our emotional andphysical well-being and can affect our productivity.’