懷抱著對(duì)迪士尼童話的美好憧憬,一位名叫Laís Cordeiro Rosa 的美妝博主在自己的妝容中加入了別具一格的迪士尼童話元素,張張都美呆了~
There is no denying that the magic of Disney extends much further than our favorite childhood movies and enchanting theme parks. It has played a big part in our childhood, taught us many important life lessons for which we will be forever grateful and, of course, made us believe that fairytales and happy endings exist. We should admit that most girls dream of being a charming princess who after all their struggles and hardships would meet their prince and live together happily ever after whereas most boys fantasize of becoming a brave and strong prince who would save the princess from all the dangers in the world and happily rule his kingdom with her by his side. Even though to most of us it was only a dream, one artist decided to transform herself into her favorite Disney characters to make this magic happen again.