We don't realize how important it is to be free of the nagging pleasures and their pains, so that the mind remains alone.It is only the mind that is wholly alone that is open. You felt all this suddenly, like a great wind that swept over the land and through you. There you were denuded of everything, empty and therefore utterly open. The beauty of it was not in the word or in the feeling, but seemed to be everywhere about you,inside you, over the waters and in the hills. Meditation is this.
It was one of those lovely mornings thathave never been before. The sun was just coming up and you saw it between the eucalyptus and the pine. It was over the waters, golden, burnished such lightthat exists only between the mountains and the sea. It was such a clear morning, breathless, full of that strange light that one sees not only with one's eyes but with one's heart. And when you see it the heavens are very close to earth, and you are lost in the beauty.
You know, you should never meditate in public, or with another, or in a group: you should meditate only in solitude, in the quiet of the night or in the still, early morning. When you meditate insolitude, it must be solitude. You must be completely alone, not following asystem, a method, repeating words, or pursuing a thought, or shaping a thought according to your desire. This solitude comes when the mind is freed from thought.
When there are influences of desire or ofthe things that the mind is pursuing, either in the future or in the past,there is no solitude. Only in the immensity of the present this alonenesscomes. And then, in quiet secrecy in which all communication has come to anend, in which there is no observer with his anxieties, with his stupidappetites and problems,only then, in that quiet aloneness, meditation becomes something that cannot be put into words. Then meditation is an eternal movement.
I don't know if you have ever meditated, ifyou have ever been alone, by yourself, far away from everything, from every person, from every thought and pursuit, if you have ever been completely alone,not isolated, not with drawn into some fanciful dream or vision, but far away,so that in yourself there is nothing recognizable, nothing that you touch by thought or feeling, so far away that in this full solitude the very silence becomes the only flower, the only light, and the timeless quality that is notmeasurable by thought.
So meditate alone.Get lost. And don't try to remember where you have been. If you try to rememberit then it will be something that is dead. And if you hold on to the memory ofit then you will never be alone again. So meditate in that endless solitude, inthe beauty of that love, in that innocency, in the new then there is the blissthat is imperishable.
That morning the sea was like a lake or anenormous river without a ripple, and so calm that you could see the reflectionsof the stars so early in the morning. The dawn had not yet come, and so thestars, and the reflection of the cliff, and the distant lights of the town,were there on the water. And as the sun came up over the horizon in a cloudlesssky it made a golden path, and it was extraordinary to see that light of California filling theearth and every leaf and blade of grass.
Asyou watched, a great stillness came into you. The brain itself became veryquiet, without any reaction, without a movement, and it was strange to feelthis immense stillness. 'Feel' isn't the word. The quality of thatsilence, that stillness, is not felt by the brain; it is beyond the brain. Thebrain can conceive, formulate or make a design for the future, but thisstillness is beyond its range, beyond all imagination, beyond all desire. Youare so still that your body becomes completely part of the earth, part ofeverything that is still.
And as the slightbreeze came from the hills, stirring the leaves, this stillness, thisextraordinary quality of silence, was not disturbed. The house was between thehills and the sea, over- looking the sea. And as you watched the sea, so verystill you really became part of everything. You were everything. You were thelight, and the beauty of love. Again, to say 'you were a part ofeverything' is also wrong: the word 'you' is not adequatebecause you really weren't there. You didn't exist. There was only thatstillness, the beauty, the extraordinary sense of love. The words you and Iseparate things. This division in this strange silence and stillness doesn'texist. And as you watched out of the window, space and time seemed to have cometo an end, and the space that divides had no reality. That leaf and that eucalyptusand the blue shining water were not different from you.