NOTE 1: For Windows 7 64-bit (x64) users! You'll also need to go to "SysWOW64" folder present in "C:\Windows" folder and copy "GroupPolicy", "GroupPolicyUsers" folders and gpedit.msc file from there and paste them in "C:\Windows\System32" folder.
NOTE 2: If you are getting "MMC could not create the snap-in" error message while running gpedit.msc, check out following steps to fix the problem. Basically it happens when your username in Windows contains more than one word.
1. Run the installer and leave it at the last step (do not click on the "Finish" button).
2. Now go to C:\Windows\Temp\gpedit\ folder.
3. If you are running 32-bit (x86) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x86.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option. If you are running 64-bit (x64) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x64.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option.
4. You'll find a total of 6 lines containing the following string in the file:
5. Edit those lines and replace %username%:f with "%username%":f
For example:
Original: icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r %username%:f
New: icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r "%username%":f
6. Save and run the file (right-click -> Run as Administrator).
7. That's it. You'll have working gpedit.msc.
Thanks to our reader "Teazlee" for the fix...