1. You should talk about “emotional” topics like childhood memories, future ambitions, or her passions. These conversation topics will open up her emotional [w=floodgate]floodgates[/w].1.聊感性的話題,比如童年回憶、未來抱負,或者女人喜歡的東西。這些話題將會打開她情感的閘門。
2. Women want a guy who is not afraid to lead her. Never wait for her to [w]dictate[/w] what you’ll be talking about.2.女人都喜歡敢于引導自己的男人。永遠不要等著她去尋找話題。
3. Pay attention to the non verbal cues a woman is giving you. If you’re standing too close to her, accidentally spitting when you talk, or making her feel uncomfortable in any way… she will send you hints. Pay attention to them.3.注意女人給出的非口頭暗示。如果你談話站得太近,有時唾沫會不小心濺到她,或者做出其他讓她感到不舒服的行為……不管怎樣她都會有所暗示,所以一定要注意這些信號。
4. Remember this [w]motto[/w] “Fun not Funny.” Women are attracted to men who allow them to have fun. Don’t [w]concentrate[/w] on having the funniest jokes. Concentrate on showing them the most excitement and enjoyment.4.記住這句至理名言“有趣味而不是惡趣味”。女人總是容易被那些能帶給她歡樂的男人所吸引。不要僅僅講笑話,而應該用你的激情和快樂感染她。
5. Get [w]intimate[/w] with her. Women are turned on by men who are not afraid to take a conversation to a personal, intimate level.5.和她套近乎。女人很容易和那些敢于聊私人話題的男人打開話匣子。
6. Remember: Statements over questions. Instead of saying “where did you grow up?” Say “You don’t look like you grew up around here.” This allows you to make observations about her and express your personality.6.記?。河^點要多于問題。如果你要問:“你是哪里人”,你可以這樣說:“你不像是這一帶的人?!边@說明你對她觀察得很仔細,同時也展示了你的個性。
7. Women love to hear opinions about themselves. Tell her what you observe about her.7.女人喜歡聽別人對自己的評價。告訴她你的想法。
8. Avoid [w=compliment]complimenting[/w] a woman too much. Women are turned off by men who come across as “needy.” If you are complimenting a woman too much she will think you’re trying to impress her. Which will have the opposite effect.8.不要太過于阿諛奉承。如果你顯得太心急,很容易澆滅她談話的欲望。如果你太過恭維,她會認為你是故意討好,結果會適得其反。
9. If you want to know how to talk to women in a way that doesn’t bore them… Avoid asking too many “interview” style questions. Instead state your opinion about things.9.如果你想知道怎么使談話不無聊,那就避免一問一答的對話方式。你應該多談談自己的見地。
10. Don’t hide your identity. Don’t be afraid to talk about whatever you’re [w]passionate[/w] about.10.不要對她隱瞞自己。敢于告訴她你所熱愛和追求的東西。