Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fansome guys run and some guys stay. So what you do when you fall down? Get backup but everyone knows how to get back up! But I will tell you sometimes inlife, when you fall down, you feel like you don’t have the strength to get up.You know why? Because it was too damn hard. Do you think you have hope? Yousee, I will try one hundred times to get up! And If I fail one hundred times, ifI fail and I give up do you think that I will get up? NO. If I fail and I will tryagain, again and again. Integrity, that’s call courage, now that’s the stuffthat leaders made of. Is that too much to ask? Are we asking too much for that?Is that beyond our reach? Because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep beingherded to the final slaughter house! I will not go down that way! I choose tofight back! I choose to rise not fall! I choose to live not die and I know thatwhat’s within me is within you! Is a valuable future, Believe me! If I fail andI give up do you think that I will get up? NO. If I fail and I will try again,again and again. But I just want you to know that this is not the end, itmanages how you are going to finish.