I would love for my little men to becomeentrepreneurs when they get a bit older. I’d like for them to be able to dowhat they love everyday and contribute creatively to society. While this is along way off there is something I can do now to help set them up. As a parent Ican help guide them and encourage them to be creative and innovative.
Oneof the easiest ways to do this is to
encourage independentplay
. When kids don’t have an adult to tell them what to do orhow to use a toy it’s amazing what they come up with. There are no rules orpre-conceived notions on how things should be used or should move or should beworn. Objects and toys are turned upside down and back to front and who’s tosay this is wrong? As many of you pointed out in the comments of
whenwe should play by their rules in their world. This freedom to explore andcreate is so important for little ones.
Anotherway to guide young children and encourage reminds me of the old saying: “do asI say not as I do”. The reason we say this is because
kids love to mimic and actually want to be littleversions of us
. Cool right? Scary … but cool.
Set a good example for your kids by being creativeand innovative yourself. Talk to them even when they are very little about whatyou’re doing and why. Let them help you where they can and encourage them to be part of the process. For very young children explore creativity by asking them to help create a story or change the words to make it about your family. Make up some actions to a song and act them out. Everyday you are creative without really knowing it. Your kids are watching.
it is okay to help them along,
they are little people eager to learn and indeed want to learn from you. Prime them with ideas from your past, suggest things for them to do and help them get started. Teach them to skip, to write, to make toys or puppets. Show them howto put on a puppet show and give them a certain amount of time to create onefor you.
As your kids get a bit older, encourage them to create their own businesses think of pet sitting, pet walking, designing websites etc. These little businesses may not be what your kids do for the rest of their lives but getting started and knowing the basic principles of running a small business is invaluable.
We all want the best for our kids. We may not all have the same dreams for our kids and heck, they may not even want to be entrepreneurs and that’s totally fine. If nothing else, the encouragement and support we give our kids from the beginning will improve their confidence,their self esteem and will make them more likely to be responsible and contributing members to society.
How do you encourage creativity and innovation in your home?